Come Together with JEWISHcolorado
When JEWISHcolorado invited people to “Come Together” on June 15, 2022, to celebrate their connections to each other and to Israel, the community did just that—they came together and enjoyed every minute.
A sold-out crowd of 450 gathered in the iconic Lanny & Sharon Martin Building at the Denver Art Museum. The view was impressive, but as people arrived, their focus was on each other as they greeted old friends, relived memories, and shared laughter.
The program included a video review of the impact JEWISHcolorado and community donors have had in the past year. But the highlight of the evening was a conversation between JEWISHcolorado President & CEO Rabbi Jay Strear and Israeli actress, writer, producer, and activist Noa Tishby, author of Israel: A Simple Guide to the Most Misunderstood Country on Earth. Tishby encouraged attendees to willingly engage in conversations about the State of Israel—even if those talks sometimes proved challenging.
As the energizing music of the Andy Statman Trio, led by klezmer clarinetist Andy Statman, filled the room, no one was in a hurry to leave. Everyone had truly come together and, after the socially distanced days of the pandemic, there was clearly new appreciation for the joy of seeing old friends and making new ones in person.