Lulav and Esrog Sale

sun13oct8:30 amsun4:00 pmLulav and Esrog Sale


October 13, 2024 8:30 am - 4:00 pm(GMT-06:00)

Event Details

Get ready for Succos! Hillel Academy is pleased to once again offer a variety of options at their Annual Lulav and Esrog Sale.  All sets come with prepackaged, kosher-certified lulavim, esrogim, hadassim, and arovos. Esrogim and lulavim are grown in Israel, prechecked, and packaged under Rabbinic supervision.

Orders can be placed online at 

Pick up times are:

(Motzei Yom Kippur), Saturday, October 12th

Sunday, October 13th

Monday, October 14th

Tuesday, October 15th

*Southeast orders will be available for pick-up at Aish of the Rockies on Sunday, October 13th from 9am-1pm.

Questions?  Call 303-333-1511

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