JEWISHcolorado and Secure Community Network to Provide High Holiday Safety & Security Training

Aug 28, 2024 | Article, JCRC, Press Release

(DENVER) — JEWISHcolorado, in collaboration with its partner organization, Secure Community Network (SCN), will host a High Holiday safety & security training in September. The training will take place on Thursday, September 12, from 5-7 pm at JEWISHcolorado. Secure Community Network is the largest Jewish security organization in North America, working with hundreds of synagogues to provide safety guidance and threat intelligence. SCN liaises with law enforcement and other organizations to provide best practices for Jewish communal security.

Advance registration is required. Register for the September 12 training here.

“We know that in occurrences of active threats, these trainings save lives,” said JEWISHcolorado President & CEO Renée Rockford. “This kind of preparedness is useful whether you are in a house of worship, a grocery store, or traveling on vacation. Training increases the likelihood that you will know what to do and how to protect yourself and others.”

Led by Regional Security Director Phil Niedringhaus and Regional Security Advisor Kevin Farrington, these trainings teach participants how to commit to action in case of an active threat. The training will feature opening remarks from Denver Police Chief Ron Thomas.

JEWISHcolorado has led this Safety and Security initiative since 2018, raising funds from the community and providing services including training, site assessments, and security consultations at no cost. The Initiative leverages collective resources to develop best practices for emergency communication, security awareness and training, and disaster response. Since its inception, JEWISHcolorado’s regional advisors have provided safety and security training to more than 6,500 individuals at more than 60 agencies, institutions, and synagogues across the state. The Initiative is supported by the Rose Community Foundation and the Jay and Rose Phillips Family Foundation of Colorado and is conducted in cooperation with the Anti-Defamation League of the Rocky Mountain States. Learn more.