L’shanah Tovah: Finding strength and heroism

Oct 1, 2024 | Article, Newsletter

To our JEWISHcolorado Community:

Many of us are eager to turn the page on this last year. None of us could have imagined that a year after the sudden, horrendous attack by Hamas, so many of the hostages taken that day would still be in captivity, the war between Israel and Hamas would still be going on, and the war front would have expanded to the north against Hezbollah, Lebanon, and Yemen. Nor could we have imagined that antisemitism could return with such a vengeance, taking over college campuses, infesting city councils, infiltrating schools, and on and on.

Yet amid these horrors, we have found strength and heroism. The Israeli and Jewish people have demonstrated an indomitable spirit, an extraordinary resilience, and an incredible ability to persevere through the most challenging and painful experiences that human beings can face. So as much as we wish to turn the page, we must remember that we are not yet done writing this chapter.

As we approach both the High Holy Days and the one-year commemoration of October 7, we at JEWISHcolorado thank you for your continued support, your indomitable spirit, your resilience, and your perseverance in joining together as one community. We hope you will join us on October 7 at one of the many commemoration events being held statewide.

And stand strong and together, and may the new year begin with blessings.

L’shanah Tovah Tikatevu,

Renée Rockford, President & CEO
Ben Lusher, Board Chair