Meet the newest YAD Executive Committee Members

Meet the newest YAD Executive Committee Members

Jul 25, 2024

JEWISHcolorado’s Young Adult Division Executive Committee is the leading voice for young Jewish adults between the ages of 21 and 45 throughout Colorado. By using our LIVE, GIVE, LEAD structure, Executive Committee Members work closely with the YAD Chair and JEWISHcolorado staff to guide YAD’s objectives, steward our community, and serve as representatives of both YAD and JEWISHcolorado in the greater Colorado Jewish community. 

Deborah FinestoneDeborah Finestone

Deborah Finestone is thrilled to be joining the YAD Executive Committee as General Chair. She has served on the YAD Shabbat Committee for three and a half years and loved the experience of helping plan events to bring the community together. Deborah came to Denver by way of Pittsburgh and Memphis, she moved to Colorado to attend the University of Denver where she studied communications and received a masters degree in marketing with an emphasis on marketing research. She now works in data analytics in the consumer packaged goods industry. In her spare time, she enjoys crafting, working on puzzles, watching sports (Go Steelers and Penguins!), and enjoying the beautiful Colorado mountains through skiing and hiking. Deborah also enjoys traveling, spending time with family and friends, and hanging out with her labradoodle, Perry. Being involved in both federation and the broader Jewish community are important to her, and she is excited to become more involved in this incredible community!

Alan BukrinskyAlan Bukrinsky

Alan moved to Colorado from Mexico City in July 2022 with his wife, two kids, and Bowie, his giant Goldendoodle.Being very active in the Mexican Jewish community, his focus has been on fighting antisemitism, Holocaust education, and creating activism among youth. In Colorado he joined the Hillel’s of Colorado Board of Directors as an Executive Member and Treasurer, and has also helped the IAC (Israeli American Council) with a variety of programs .Alan´s day job is CEO of Nativa Global, a chatbot/AI company. Besides Jewish communal work, Alan´s passions include sharing experiences with his family, taking long walks in the mountains, reading a good book, and live music concerts.

Genna MortonGenna Morton

Genna joins the YAD Executive Committee after serving as an Ambassador from 2022-2023. She is hoping to help strengthen the Ambassador program and grow the YAD community. Genna is originally from New York and moved to Colorado in August 2020. Her happy place is on top of a mountain, and she loves learning new ways to get there. Genna is active in the Colorado Mountain Club, currently serving as the Denver Group co-chair and as a trip leader and volunteer instructor. When Genna is not in crampons, hiking boots, or climbing shoes, she works for the City and County of Denver as a marketing and communications specialist. She loves meeting new people, so feel free to drop her a line and say hi.

Omer ShacharOmer Shachar

Omer is originally from Israel and has been living in Denver for the last 3 years, after 4 years in NYC. He decided to move to Denver to be closer to the mountains to enjoy all that Colorado has to offer: hiking, climbing, biking, and rafting in the Rocky Mountains or as a skydiving coach above them. Professionally, Omer is the founder of a business operations consultancy.

Omer is grateful for the friends and community in Denver, and after serving as a YAD Ambassador for 2023-2024, he now joins the YAD Executive Committee as the Israel Engagement Chair. He looks forward to leveraging his background and experiences to build an inclusive and vibrant community through social and educational activities.