Women’s Philanthropy

We build and support Jewish life for today and for generations to come.

Women’s Philanthropy at JEWISHcolorado is comprised of change-makers and community-shapers. We are sisters and daughters, mothers, grandmothers, and great grandmothers. We are business professionals, young adults, and volunteers. We are compassionate and committed women at every stage of life and career. And with gifts made by women in their own names representing 25% of JEWISHcolorado’s Annual Campaign, we play an important role.

We empower and inspire.

We help meet the needs in our community and support Israel with our dollars and our presence. Inspired and guided by the traditions of tzedakah and tikkun olam, we volunteer together, learn together, and gather together to forge meaningful connections.

A gift to JEWISHcolorado in your name will connect you to the Jewish community in a powerful and personal way. It will establish you as a role model to thousands of other women and inspire the next generation to stand up and be counted.

Support Women’s Philanthropy


Women’s Philanthropy Giving Societies

Pomegranate Society $1,800+

The pomegranate, an ancient Jewish symbol of bounty, sustenance, and power, is also a modern emblem of Jewish women’s philanthropy and commitment. Pomegranate Society members nurture and sustain future generations.

An annual gift between $1,800-$4,999 a year to JEWISHcolorado’s Annual Campaign is, like its namesake, a formidable community of like-minded leaders who do a world of good.

Please contact Roberta Witkow at RWitkow@JEWISHcolorado.org to join or learn more.

Lion of Judah Society $5,000+

Lions of Judah are some of the most dynamic philanthropic women in the world. Created in 1972 in Miami by Norma Kipnis-Wilson and Toby Friedland z”l, the Lion of Judah program has brought together women of all ages and from many walks of life to play an essential role in creating social justice, healing the sick, feeding the hungry, preserving human dignity, and building Jewish identity.

The Lion of Judah is a symbol of a Jewish woman’s strength, a symbol of her caring about the organized Jewish world, and a symbol of her financial commitment of at least $5,000 to JEWISHcolorado. Nearly 17,000 women worldwide are Lions of Judah. They also have the opportunity to endow their gift to ensure flourishing Jewish life for generations to come.

Please contact Roberta Witkow at RWitkow@JEWISHcolorado.org to join or learn more.

Lion of Judah Endowment (LOJE)

Establish a Lion of Judah Endowment (LOJE) and endow your gift in perpetuity. Leave a legacy that can help uphold social justice, heal the sick, preserve human dignity, and provide Jewish education and Jewish growth for all.

Endowed gifts are within the reach of a Lion of Judah, regardless of her age or giving level.

Thousands of Lions of Judah in North America have established endowments totaling nearly $600 million.

Please contact Roberta Witkow at RWitkow@JEWISHcolorado.org to join or learn more.

Women’s Philanthropy and Dignity Grows

Dignity Grows provides menstrual and hygiene supplies for anyone who needs them. Human dignity should not be considered a luxury, yet more than 35% of menstruators in the U.S. suffer from Period Poverty, lacking the financial resources to purchase basic menstrual hygiene necessities.

At “packing parties,” Dignity Grows participants organize and assemble a month’s supply of personal and menstrual hygiene products. Dignity Grows totes are distributed free of charge through local distribution partners.

Lives are changed—and dignity grows—when girls and women can engage in daily activities without worrying about their periods or personal hygiene.


Help Dignity Grows

To support Dignity Grows, host a packing party, volunteer, or for more information, contact Jill Katchen at JKatchen@JEWISHcolorado.org.

Dignity Grows is an initiative of the Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford and is supported by National Women’s Philanthropy of Jewish Federations of North America.

Women’s Philanthropy News

Lion of Judah Conference brings 1,700 women together for a powerful mission

Lion of Judah Conference brings 1,700 women together for a powerful mission

More than 1,700 women donors, community leaders, and allies convened in Atlanta for three days ...
JEWISHcolorado fundraising featured at General Assembly

JEWISHcolorado fundraising featured at General Assembly

Since 2020, Jco has run six digital giving campaigns, raising a total of $950,000. When Jewish ...
Connectors Program matches people seeking Jewish community with a personal consultant

Connectors Program matches people seeking Jewish community with a personal consultant

Erin Goldfarb lives in Evergreen, so driving to a get-together in Denver’s Central Park ...

Women’s Philanthropy Events

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JEWISHcolorado Women’s Philanthropy Committee

Adriane Greenberg, Chair

Shari Graham

Felicia Greher

Pam Jinkerson

Laura Knaster

Carla Kutnick

Lisa Mintz

Linda Schatz

Carly Schlafer

Dina Silverman

Brooke Soltanovich

Lisa Stanton

Michelle Striker

Brandi Wolff

Roberta Witkow, Director

“I know the money I am giving is being used for the overall welfare of Jews everywhere. I trust that JEWISHcolorado will ensure that the organizations under their umbrella will be sustained. Giving energizes and enriches me. The concept of tzedakah is more than giving money—it is showing compassion, empathy, fairness, and justice, all vital aspects of Judaism."

-Past Women’s Philathropy Chair