G2 Journey: L’dor VaDor

A global Jewish experience for grandparents & grandchildren

G2 Journey, in collaboration with JEWISHcolorado’s Israeli partner region, Ramat HaNegev, is a year-long program that explores Jewish family narratives and legacies while honoring the special bonds between grandparents and grandchildren and their connection to Israel. G2 Journey is designed for one grandparent to participate along with their grandchild who is entering 4th-6th grade in fall 2024. Our monthly gatherings and travel to Israel focus on strengthening grandparent and grandchild relationships, building community with G2 Journey families here in Colorado and with our friends in Ramat HaNegev, and learning about and deepening connections to Judaism, Jewish identity, and Israel.

For more information and to apply for G2 Journey 2024-2025 by September 18, click here.

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For more information, contact Cindy Coons at CCoons@JEWISHcolorado.org.

Join the Journey

“Our deepest gratitude to JEWISHcolorado for providing us with the opportunity to be part of the G2 program. My granddaughter, Edina, and I are so blessed to have been chosen to attend and participate. The trip to Israel was a culmination of fun, connection, miracles, inspiration, delicious foods, singing, love, new experiences, and a deep love of Israel. So many pix…so many stories. We highly recommend this program for other grandparents and their grandchildren. Take advantage of the fabulous G2 program.”

— Lynn Hellerstein, 2022 G2 grandparent