PJ Library

Stories that bring us together.

Something magical happens when parents sit down to read with their children, and PJ Library provides the Jewish stories that can help your family talk about the values and traditions that are important to you.

A program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, PJ Library is made possible through JEWISHcolorado and participants and donors like you.

Through the national PJ Library subscription program, we send you free, age-appropriate books and music to enjoy at home. Locally, we also help families experience Jewish learning and community through our Family Connectors, Partnering Organizations, Collaborations, National Get Together Grants, annual Community-Wide Family Havdalah Celebration, and the monthly PJ Library Colorado Newsletter.

No matter your background, knowledge, family make-up, affiliation, or level of observance, PJ Library welcomes you to become a member of our family and to connect with other young families as you explore Jewish life in Colorado.

Support this or any JEWISHcolorado program or initiative by using our Donation Form and choosing your preferred designation. 

PJ Library

Free books & music for children from birth to age 8

PJ Our Way

Free books & music for 9–12 year olds

Become a PJ Library Grandparent

Great News! Grandparents can receive the gift of PJ Library, too (for free!). Sign up the grandparents in your life for special mailings and emails from PJ Library.

Upcoming PJ Library Events

PJ Library News

This mom is passionate about PJ Library

This mom is passionate about PJ Library

Elana Ladd got involved with PJ Library JEWISHcolorado—not just a little bit involved, but ...
PJ Library Helps JEWISHcolorado Connect Jewish Families and Celebrate Jewish Life

PJ Library Helps JEWISHcolorado Connect Jewish Families and Celebrate Jewish Life

Colorado families raising Jewish children will now have more opportunities to participate in ...
With gratitude for this past year

With gratitude for this past year

As we close the 2023-2024 JEWISHcolorado fiscal year, we are overwhelmed with gratitude for ...